Martial Arts for Your Mind and Mouth

Sam Horn talks about Tongue Fu! and how it can help people.

Power Up Your Intuition the QuantumThink Way

Dianne Collins talks about QuantumThink® and how it can help people.

Reading Emotions through Facial Coding

Dan Hill discusses facial coding and the emotions it covers.

Grow Your Knowledge, Confidence and Money

Debra Morrison talks about how women can successfully navigate finances.

Returning to Work Amidst COVID-19

Karyn Jensen discusses how companies can best handle employees, especially those returning to work during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

App Helps Slow the Spread of COVID-19

George Graziani talks about the amazing App,, and how it works.

Step into the Spotlight Today

Janette Burke shares what it takes to step into the spotlight and effectively spread your message.

Dating Made Easy During a Pandemic

Christine Baumgartner shares her insights to dating, especially during the COVID-10 pandemic.

Your Story Can Change the World

Bridget Cook-Burch discusses using the power of story.

Step-up and Become a Leader

Joscelyn Duffy shares her strategies for becoming a leader