Learn to Live a BIGGER Life with Cynthia James

The women we admire today got to where they are because they had a vision, they activated their creativity, and they dared to be bold.

Messages from Angelic and Ascended Masters with Jeanette Guziolek

Jeanette works with the Angelic and Ascended-master realms and other beings to help others awaken and remember the message of love. 

Tap into a Guidance System You Are Born With – Danae Shanti

Danae Shanti feels that WOMEN are being summoned by the Universe to stand in their authentic power to usher in a new world consciousness.

DISCOVER the light within you with Mridu Pasrija

Mridu Pasrija believes you have the answers within YOU. You have the potential to heal yourself and live life radiantly!

Light the way to sacred power and peace with Beth Lynch

Beth is dedicated to guiding those to a place in the heart where power of One’s spirit is ready to light the way to sacred power and peace