Comedy Benefits Afghanistan

Mona Shaikh talks about upcoming comedy events to benefit Afghanistan.

Meet the Kid of the King

Liz Presley talks about her fascinating life as a member of the Presley family.

Honoring Hollywood’s Most Powerful Woman

J.E. Smyth discusses her upcoming biography of Screen Writers Guild President, Mary C. McCall Jr., entitled “Maisie.”

SHOWAbility Speaks Up for the Disabled!

Myrna Clayton shares how SHOWAbility gives people with disabilities a way to showcase their talents.

Creativity Has No Limits

Cathy “CC” Carlson talks about her career in the music, film and television industries, and her advice to aspiring artists.

Author Adventures into Africa

Arianna Dagnino talks about her novel, “The Afrikaner,” and the film script based on this book.

Rediscovering the Arts During COVID

Carol Ostrow shares her love for the theatre and arts, including her recently published poems.

Tap into the Power of Podcasting

Tina Dietz talks about podcasting and being a great guest.

New Media that Inspires

Susan Johnston talks about the New Media Film Festival®.

Gordon Firemark: Finding Gratitude in Coronavirus Environment

Alternatives to entertainment law with the theaters closed down