Breast Health Expert MD Judy C. Dean

Susun Weed Interviews Whole Breast Ultrasound Screening with Judy C. Dean, MD

‘Men don’t Marry for Sex’ Dr. Robert Hustrulid

Susun Weed Interviews Dr. Robert Hustrulid on Marriage and Divorce

A Unique Life Fully Lived Author Karen Kain

Susun Weed Interviews Supporting Families Karen Kain

Traditional Women’s Dances Laura Shannon

Susun Weed Interview Sacred Circle Dance Movement Laura Shannon

What Is the 5th Law of Health?

Why is temperance so important?

What Is the 4th Law of Health?

Why is sunlight so important?

What Is the 3rd Law of Health?

What is the importance of water?

What Is the 1st Law of Health?

Why is Nutrition so important?

Nutrition for Improving Every Year!

Is there really a progression?

Are there actual guides for health?

If so what are the basic principles for well-being?