When a mom threatens to sell the kids’ dog, they concoct a plan sell their parents….
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The Authors Show presents: “Parents for Sale”
October 18, 2015 by The Authors Show
Filed Under: Entertainment Tagged With: authors, books, canadian authors, children’s books, dr. nicole, fiction, kids books, nicole audet, parent for sale, the authors show
The Authors Show presents: “Montpelier Tomorrow”
October 18, 2015 by The Authors Show
Filed Under: Entertainment Tagged With: authors, books, fiction, marylee macdonald, montpelier tomorrow, the authors show
The Authors Show presents: Lincoln 9
October 18, 2015 by The Authors Show

Lincoln 9 follows the career of Lieutenant Scott Hunter, the consummate cop who leads a team of detectives on a mission…
Filed Under: Entertainment Tagged With: authors, books, dave freedland, fiction, lincoln 9, the authors show
The Authors Show presents: “he & She”
October 18, 2015 by The Authors Show
Filed Under: Entertainment Tagged With: authors, books, fiction, he & She, midlife crisis, the authors show, Wayne Clark
The Authors Show presents: “Called to Be A Soldier”
October 18, 2015 by The Authors Show

L. Wayne Smalls served combat tours in Afghanistan, and he is one of the few to have put the entire experience on paper.
Filed Under: Entertainment Tagged With: authors, books, called to be a soldier, L. Wayne Smalls, the authors show
The Authors Show presents: “A Flight Without Wings”
July 2, 2015 by The Authors Show

The story describes the author’s journey into Heaven and subsequent return to life, all as a result of massive head trauma….
Filed Under: Entertainment Tagged With: a flight without wings, authors, books, brian mcclaughlin, the authors show
BookExpo America, Networking, & Author/Journalist Patti Davis
May 28, 2013 by Jennifer S. Wilkov

Steven Rosato, Event Director of Book Expo America talks about the BEA event and Author/Journalist Patti Davis discusses Self-Publishing
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: Alzehimer's Support Group, Alzheimer's, Amazon, Amazon.com, America, author, authors, BEA, Beyond Alzheimer's, book, Book Publishing Industry, BookExpo, BookExpo America, books, children’s books, ComicCon, Conferences, consumers, CreateSpace, creating a better world, CS, Director of Industry Development, Director of Sales, Director Strategic Accounts, Event Director, events, Expo, family, Global Education Opportunites, Harper's Bazaar, Homeless Children, Industry Professional, jennifer s wilkov, jennifer wilkov, Journalist, KDP, Kindle Direct Publishing, Ladies' Home Journal, latest books, los angeles, love for reading, More, Mr. Steven Rosato, networking, New York ComicCon, newsweek, Night Night Packages, North America, passion, Patti Davis, platform, Project Night Night, public, publishers, Publishing Event, read to feed, Reagan Family, Reed Exhibitions, Ronald Reagan, Self Published, self-publishing, self-publishing platforms, Service-Learning Program, Steven Rosato, The Lives Our Mothers Leave Us, The Long Goodbye, Till Human Voices Wake Us, Time, Town and Country, trade publishers, Traditional Publishing, Writers, your book is your hook
What Really Killed Whitney Houston
April 12, 2013 by Pat Lynch, Editor-in-Chief

Doctors Judith Sherven and Jim Sniechowski share that Whitney Houston’s death wasn’t simply caused by drugs or Bobby Brown.
Filed Under: World Tagged With: author, authors, bobby brown, book, coach, coaches, coaching, conscious, consciousness, jim sniechowski, judith sherven, What Really Killed Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston
Technology Breaking Barriers for Gen Y Authors
December 5, 2012 by Tamara Bell
Filed Under: Entertainment Tagged With: authors, e-books, e-publishing, gen y, Keeping Up with Gen Y, Larsen-Pomada Literary Agents, Laurie McLean, literary agent, tamara bell, writing
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