Archives for 2017

Author, Blogger and Pet Food Advocate, Susan Thixton

Dr. Judy Morgan’s first Live interview will be with author, blogger and pet food advocate, Susan Thixton.

The Astounding Healer of Compassionate Curiosity

Come listen as Mary shares stories and skills that will open your mind and heal your heart…

Jennifer Gehl: Planetary Signatures

Perhaps only two or three times a decade comes along real paradigm shift in the clinical sciences…

Hidden Mysteries, Expansive Possibilities

How do you see your universe? Is is chaotic, random, without any meaning?

Facing Your Dragons

Det David and Dr Lana Love speak with Spiritual Life Coach Brad Axelrad about “Facing Your Dragons”.

Family Lineage Wounding & Karma

This week we will introduce the concept of family lineage wounding & karma…

Going the Distance

Going the distance means to carry through a course of action to completion.

New Developments in Afterlife Communication

Craig Hogan is one of the world’s leading experts on what is happening now in electronic communication…

The Golden Chain Mail

Discover this powerful, spiritual tool you can use daily!

Doing Well By Doing Good

CEO Susan Michel and Joanna Gordon Martin of Theia Senior Solutions on her journey as an entrepreneur.