Archives for 2017

Sheryl Glick interviews Rhys Thomas

Rhys Thomas who is the creator of the Rhys Method Transformation System…

Gaea Star Crystal Radio Hour #279

“Nothing Stays The Same” is an understated ballad, an ode to summer’s end, melancholy and bittersweet…

Process of Learning

Whether we know it or not, we are all learning every moment of every day…

Marita Tilley: holistic therapist, natural healing advocate

Dr. Morgan and Marita share their love and experience with their beloved breed, Cavalier…

Transparency: Penney Peirce

Penney Peirce is a gifted clairvoyant empath and visionary, and one of the pioneers in the intuition development movement…

14 Day Forgiveness Challenge

Join us as we each learn about the Power of Forgiveness and how it can change our lives …

Self Care for Everyone with a Specific Focus on Caregivers

Join Leah Marie as she talks about the need to focus on self care (mental, spiritual, physical, emotional)…

100% is Easier Than 95%

So often, when we decide on a goal we want to achieve or a desire we want to manifest, we don’t go all in…

Roberta Grimes Talks About the Coming New Reformation

Roberta will talk about the ways in which Christianity soon likely will be reformed so it can be a leader in proclaiming what is true…

How to Raise Your Energetic Vibration

Did you know that spirit beings vibrate at a higher rate than humans…