Archives for August 2017

Sheryl Glick interviews Joanne Di Maggio

Joanne and Sheryl share their experiences and views on metaphysical interests going beyond the physical world …

Gaea Star Crystal Radio #274

“Rainbows Across The Sky” is introduced by a lone chorango from Mariam…

Adrenal Fatigue-Reaching Your Breaking Point

Have you heard the idiom, “It was the straw that broke the camel’s back?”

BARF from Down Under

Dr. Judy Morgan will be interviewing holistic veterinary surgeon Dr. Ian Billinghurst of Bathurst…

Identifying Astrological Cycles Affecting Life Transition

Tune in with us on our debut as we discuss astrology with a Yoga instructor and business owner in Central Pennsylvania.

Depression and Thoughts Of Suicide Part II – The Parent

Young Adults aren’t the only ones that experience depression and thoughts of suicide. Mothers (and Fathers) can experience them too.

Women’s Equality – the Fight Continues

Donna Lent shares what Women’s Equality Day means to her and how the National Women’s Political Caucus encourages women in politics.

This Too Will Pass~ The Human Condition of Ups & Downs

Whether you’re experiencing good times or hard times, the guidance today is “this too shall pass.”

David Burfoot Talks About Finding the Elephant

He uses the old fable about blind men trying to figure out what an elephant is …

Life and Death, Positive Energy

Dr Bernie comes together with his radioactive family Lionel Ketchian & Deborah Beauvais to share his thoughts on Life