Archives for 2016

Living your creativity with Laura Hollick

Laüra Hollick is an award-winning artist, creative spiritual entrepreneur and lover of our Earth.

Thinking & Connecting Outside The Box

Brittany Hodak, Co-Founder of Zine Pak & Per Diems Against Poverty

The Authors Show presents: Michael Brown Jr., by Ken Dye

Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson just cleared a sick child call and was on his way to meet his future wife…

The Sacred Exchange of Money and the World Today

When we honor the sacred exchange of money we thrive…

The Significance of Your Dreams

Why are dreams so significant and understanding them so important?

The Lost Art Of Thinking Rationally, Juicy Living/Juicy Aging

Come with us on this romp, beyond the goat milk/yak egg diet to the seldom visited realm of common sense

The Karma Queens’ Guide to Relationships

How to transform the karma in all our relationships including attracting or keeping your soul mate …

Gaea Star Crystal Radio Hour #208

Features special guest Amanda Potluck adding her passionate, bluesy vocals to the mix…

The Trouble with Diagnosing Lyme Disease

Wendy and Dr. Meaghan welcome Patrick Plum to the BTBHA studio.

The Wisdom Effect Part 2

Listen in as Rachel teach about what we can learn from four of the smallest
creatures in the earth. They are wise beyond their size!