Archives for April 2016

The Human Ladder

The Zeta Message tells the story of Judy’s own life-long and life-changing contact experiences with ETs

Hollywood producer, Channeler, and Blogger Mathew Hart

My Shocking Introduction to the World of Spirit …

Love Over Hate

Tonight we’ll talk about knowing when to fold, and when to walk away from something …

Induced Afterlife Communications with Dr. Allan Botkin

Dr. Allan Botkin discovered an way to easily induce afterlife communications

The Authors Show Presents: Piano Meadows, by author R.G. Bud Phelps

A Historical Fiction story about a specific area in Conifer Colorado, and a beautiful meadow called Piano Meadows..

The Authors Show presents: My Bad Tequila, by author Rico Austin

Mystery, Mayhem, Madness… Margaritas & Mexico one man’s epic journey across two continents and four countries…

Fashion Giant with a Conscience

Amy Hall Director of Social Consciousness at EILEEN FISHER

Living your creativity with Laura Hollick

Laüra Hollick is an award-winning artist, creative spiritual entrepreneur and lover of our Earth.

Thinking & Connecting Outside The Box

Brittany Hodak, Co-Founder of Zine Pak & Per Diems Against Poverty

The Authors Show presents: Michael Brown Jr., by Ken Dye

Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson just cleared a sick child call and was on his way to meet his future wife…