Archives for June 2013

Love and Spirit Medicine with Shonagh Home

Susun Weed interviews Shaman and author, Shonagh Home

V for Vitality

REPLAY: In this episode of “VforVitality,” Susan interviews Jessica Parker, one of the strategists and visionaries of the company GoPro.

Gen Y Employing Mindshare to Create Better World

How overcoming fear of failure frees our lizard brain

Asylum Access Makes Refugee Rights a Reality!

Jessica Therkelsen talks about how Asylum Access uses policy advocacy to help refugees access their rights.

Wade Wurm – Expat dive master settles in Loreto, Mexico

After diving and traveling to 22 countries, Wade speaks about finding paradise in Loreto, Mexico, where he manages resort scuba operations.

Inside Out LIVE!— Alice Sydow & Resale Royalty; Regina Coley

Alice Sydow talks her support of the Beauty In/Beauty Out Tour & new reality show “Resale Royalty”; Regina Coley helps women business owners