Ursula Mentjes (mench-es), other than being a Best-Selling Author and a Sales Expert, has the ability to substantially alter the way you think about selling. She helps people reach their goals, that too with less efforts and anxiety. Adding to all this, Ursula is also the Founder of Sales Coach Now, author of ‘Selling with Intention’ and ‘One Great Goal’, a motivational speaker and a Certified Sales Coach. She has been helping clients double and triple their sales quickly using Neuro-Linguistic Programming, her specialty.
While serving as the President of NAWBO-CA and on the
Board of Inspire Life Skills, she is also the President of Business Resource Connection and is on the Advisory Council for the Institute for Women Entrepreneurs. She received the NAWBO-IE ANITA Award in 2007 and was a finalist for the Spirit of the Entrepreneur Award in 2011. She was also featured on the talk show Exclusive TV recently. Best-selling authors Loral Langemeier, Lisa Nichols, Tom Antion and Giuliana Rancic are just a few of the many that she has shared stage with.
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