Archives for October 2012

Episode #112, “You Are What You Love”

Vaishali fields phone calls from people seeking life management advice.

V for Vitality

In 2011 Susan spoke with actress Ellen Burstyn who talked about her life, her art, acting on stage and movies.

Maasai Rite of Passage Stops Female Circumcision

Maasai traditions are changing with the stopping of female circumcision. Beautiful Maasai beading supports education key to this mission.

Inside Out LIVE! with Traci S. Campbell

First Show: Learn more about our projects, and meet Parish M. Blair of Mindful Living Media and Donald Ortale of Ortale and Associates.

Justin Skeesuck – The world and the disabled traveler

Avid traveler, Justin Skeesuck sees the world from a power wheel chair and helps others to do the same at The Disabled Traveler website.

An Awakened Human Being with Barbara Berger

Susun Weed interviews author, Barbara Berger

Uplift your life with radio personality Nancy Ferrari

Radio/media personality shares her ideas of motivation, positivity through the power of visioning and taking responsability of your life.

The Voice-Ear-Brain Connection

President/Founder of the Davis Center, the world’s foremost sound-based therapist Dorinne Davis

Conscious Creation – Episode #113 – 10/4/2012

Dee Wallace is an internationally known actress and healer. She has written 3 books: Conscious Creation, The Big E and Bright Light.

“Hooked Up” Generation Takes the Lead!

Jack Myers discusses his new book “Hooked Up” and reveals who are the “Hooked Up” Generation.