We are EXCITED to launch our NEW show, Inside Out Live! coming to you in October 2012. Join us and listen, each week, as we bring you expert and celebrity guests, advice and news to benefit YOU. Get a valuable “beauty education” from our Beauty In/Beauty Out Tour. And YOU…yes YOU… can also have your “time to shine” in our Community Family segment where we not only bring you the latest news from the communities the C.H.A.M.P. Community Project serves, but we will also highlight some awesome people and organizations that are also making a difference in their communities across the U.S.
Join us and listen, each week, as we bring you expert and celebrity guests, advice and news to benefit YOU. Get information and valuable advice from our Beauty In/Beauty Out Tour. And YOU...yes YOU... can also have your "time to shine" in our C.H.A.M.P. Community segment where we not only bring you the latest news from the communities the C.H.A.M.P. Community project serves, but we highlight some awesome people and organizations that are also making a difference in their communities across the U.S.
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