Archives for September 2012

“The Doctor of the Future”

Up to 80% of the U.S. population is suffering from a magnesium deficiency..

Interior Design Therapy Can Change Your Life

International expert in the field of Chinese Metaphysics/Neuro–Architecture, Dr. Janet Woods helps you enhance your space & expand your life

Conscious Creation – Episode #109 – 9/6/2012

Dee Wallace is an internationally known actress and healer. She has written 3 books: Conscious Creation, The Big E and Bright Light.


Aldonna Ambler interviews Cheri Beranek, president and CEO of Clearfield, Inc.

Episode #107, “You Are What You Love”

Vaishali fields phone calls from people seeking life management advice.

Replay – V for Vitality

Susan speaks with Lucie Arnaz about being the daughter of Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball, and her own career spanning 45 years.

NY Times Bestseller Heather Graham & Taking Books to Film & TV

Lane Shefter Bishop talks taking books to film & TV and NY Times best-selling author Heather Graham talks about writing THE UNHOLY

Opening Your Heart with the Power of Prayer with August Gold

Susun Weed interviews, teacher, author and inspirational speaker, August Gold

Mickela Mallozzi – Dancing with Bare Feet

Mickela is passionate about discovering the origin of dance, which she explores while dancing world wide and on her Travel Bare Feet blog.