Archives for 2011

NBC’s “Days of Our Lives” “Abe Carver,” James Reynolds, Appears on the Cole & Noble Show!

James Reynolds’ portrayal of Abe Carver, on NBC’s “Days of Our Lives,” has made “Abe” the longest running African-American character in TV history!

5 Insider Secrets to Workout Success

Starting and sticking with a new workout program.

“Your Book Is Your Hook!” – Writer’s Digest & NY Times Bestseller Marci Shimoff

Phil Sexton, Publisher of Writer’s Digest, & NY Times Bestseller Marci Shimoff with her new book “Love For No Reason.”

Education Fuels the Global Economy

Lewis Goodkin, Founder of Goodkin Consulting, talks about how a better educated youth will fuel a more creative, globally competitive economy.

Cholera Still Needs CARE

Health and health education get special attention from CARE workers and volunteers in Haiti.

CARE Protects Young Girls from Early Marriage

Policy Advocate Erin Kennedy talks about what CARE is doing to protect young girls from the harms of early marriage.

Charting Your Future with Fatima – Psychic Astrologer

Susun Weed interviews Marian Tortorella, musician and astrologer.

Be a High Calorie Burner 24 Hours a Day

Quick Quiz Question.

Seductive Delusions: High School Students & STDs

Dr. Jill Grimes on STD prevention education; admin and faculty of San Antonio’s North East Independent School District on the Big Decisions program.

Who Said Jets Are for Boys?

CEO of Charlie Bravo Aviation, Rene Banglesdorf, talks about her success as a female leader in the Aviation Industry.