Archives for April 2011

Crohn’s Disease:Chron’s Disease: An Illnes Requiring Major Life style Changes and Intensive Medical Treatment

Interview with nutritionist Lara Field and Christina, her patient, about treatment of Crohn’s disease.

Fluoride Will Make You Age Faster!

Dr. Lorraine Day talks about the dangers of using fluoride.

World Junior Figure Skating Champion Shepherd Clark appears on Cole & Noble!

Due to serious back injuries, doctors said Shepherd would never skate again. But his deep spiritual faith has given him a greater universal purpose!

The Seniors Count Program & Living with Lactose Intolerance

Arlene Kershaw on Easter Seals New Hampshire, the Seniors Count program & aging in place; Dr. Jeanette Keith on living with lactose intolerance.

Women get a Bad Rap About Being Afraid of Risk

Risk is not a dirty word for business women… Risk is something you cannot avoid if you want to grow your business.

Attract and Retain Top Talent with Marilyn Arnold

Join Aldonna Ambler and Marilyn Arnold as they discuss building a winning team!

Marianne Schnall of Appears on Cole & Noble!

Marianne’s interviews appear at as well as in O, The Oprah Magazine, Glamour, In Style, The Huffington Post, & The Women’s Media Center.

Drinking Super Charged Smoothies for Health

Mary Barber and Sara Whiteford talk about energizing recipes from their new book Super-Charged Smoothies.

Survey Says: Gen Y Clean Freaks

Tips for how to keep a clean living space.

Family Constellations

Changing the world one heart at a time.