Archives for April 2011

IRS Tax Info with Tasty Cooking too, from Susie Iventosch, on Cole & Noble!

Susie’s book is “Tax Bites & Tasty Morsels, Who’s Been Eating My Pie?” It’s about real recipes & “unreal” taxes, & who’s been eating your pie, too!

LLH Newsmakers: Sandra Miniutti of Charity Navigator

Sandra Miniutti on how Charity Navigator finds out where your donated dollars are really going.

LLH Newsmakers: Dr. Paul Fronstin on Senior Wealth Management

Dr. Paul Fronstin of the Employee Benefit Research Institute on wealth management strategies for an aging population.

LLH Newsmakers: Jim Pavle on Why We Jail the Mentally Ill

Jim Pavle of the Treatment Advocacy Center on why more mentally ill persons are in jails and prisons than hospitals.

LLH Newsmakers: Charles Zimmerman on Economies of Scale

Charles Zimmerman of Wal-Mart on planning and managing smart expansion.

Self- Promote. . .STEP 2 Identify Your Target

Who are you asking for a raise, promotion, or other issues?

Still Struggling with Product Development and Pricing During this Lingering Recession?

Join Aldonna Ambler and Lisa Weber as they discuss promotion of new products & services to existing customers and/or markets.

Fierce Advocate Provides a Turning Point

Robina Niaz talks about the efforts being made to empower Muslim women.

Hear Choral Festival Sing in Reno!

Jennifer Tibben talks about the upcoming American International Choral Festival.

Mary McDonough of Emmy award-winning “The Waltons” appears on Cole & Noble

Mary has a new best-selling book out “Lessons From the Mountain: What I Learned From Erin Walton”.