Archives for 2009

Ending Violence Against Women and Girls

MamAcoTl created a 16 day San Francisco focus to end violence to women and girls with artists, activists, which began November 25.

Depression, a National Epidemic

Sharon Riegie Maynard interviews Julia Ross an expert in a nutritional approach to depression.

Girls Creating Their Own Image

Every girl has the potential to help shape a better world.

What is Bio-identical Hormone Therapy?

An interview with Jim Paoletti, an expert on bio identical hormone testing and replacement.

Children, Profit or Protection

Children have no recognized rights in Somalia or in the United States of America.

Collaborative Leadership

The emerging model of collaboration includes rather than excludes.

Dangerous Relationships

Can love change abusers? With an explosion of violence and death within homes, this information is a must.

Pseudoaddiction- When Pain Management Fails

Pseudoaddiction is described and discussed along with a patient interview that demonstrates how this problem develops and should be treated.

Amazing Agenda for Growing Girls

Sharon Riegie Maynard interviews Angela Coleman as to how young girls can be held in value as they mature.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) – How and Why It Works

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is very effective in the treatment of pain, addiction and mood problems.