Jim Dier travels around the world to teach the model Seattle created to empower neighbors in their own community decisions.
Archives for 2007
The Power of Women
Phil Borges has spent 35 years visiting and photographing women in indigenous cultures around the world and came to recognize the power of women.
The Courage to Step Up
Diane Benson had the courage to speak of difficult issues and seek political office to make changes when others had given up.
If You are Not at the Table, You are the Meal
Women in decision making positions is a sure way to address issues such as health care, domestic violence, personal rights, sustainability and security with new perspective.
Children at High Risk
Dr. Doris Rapp, international expert on the effects of chemical toxins on children, helps us looks at their escalating diseases with new eyes.
Political Asylum or Concentration Camps?
Jay J. Johnson, the Border Ambassador, shares the unimaginable truth that the U. S. is in the concentration camp business.
Feminine Leadership, The Power to Change the World
Kathe Schaff, of Gather the Women.org, shares her experiences of feminine leadership and the power of a woman’s authentic voice.
Walking in My Sister’s Shoes
Karambu Ringera, born in Kenya, shares her country’s war ravished, poverished situations and how women are facing and changing their communities.
Prepare to Survive
The subject of Dr. Verona Fontes’ conversation is how each individual can prepare to assure physical and emotional stability to survive through crisis.
Leaders Speak Truth
Lisa Marshall shares how mature leaders use stories to inspire as they speak truth and point to hope.
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