Hear how you can help change the lives of women and children around the world by just getting on your phone and listening. Linda Higdon shares how her Global Room for Women has changed lives.
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Women’s Global Room: Empowering Women, Connecting Solutions by Phone.
June 6, 2012 by Robin Eschler
Filed Under: World Tagged With: domestic violence, empowering women, female circumcision, female genital mutilation, Linda Higdon, socially conscious investing, women for peace, women issues, women's issues, women's movement
Celebrating International Women’s Day with Women’s Foundation of California
March 7, 2012 by Robin Eschler

Judy Patrick, President and CEO of the Women’s Foundation of California speaks about the issues facing women in California. Hear the facts about women’s employment, women in prison, issues facing single moms and how you can make a difference and impact change.
Filed Under: World Tagged With: help single mother, help women prison, international day of women, International Women’s Day, international womens festivals, judy patrick, national women day, santa barbara Women's Festival, womans day, women issues, womens day, womens foundation california, womens history month, womens policy
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