Do We Create Our Reality?

Mary offers an in-depth exploration of the idea that we create our own reality …

Befriending Anger

Even though we all have Anger, it is often considered to be bad or wrong.

Illness as Your Friend

We have been trained our entire lives to resist any physical, mental and emotional pain…

Meeting Your Wounded Parts in Your Heart

The wounded parts inside of you: fear, shame, anger, resistance, despair, anxiety and confusion, are bound up energy

Relaxing Into Life

Most of us hold on tightly, trying to make our lives be the way we think they should be, resisting what we don’t want ….

Beyond Control into Connection

If you could watch your stream of thought, you would see that mostly what it is doing is trying to control Life

Pain As Your Healer

We human beings have been trained to resist our physical, mental and emotional pain …

The Perfection of Challenging Relationships

Relationships can be very challenging, bringing up uncomfortable thoughts and feelings.

Your Body, Your Friend

When you were young, you were embodied, or what Mary calls ‘in-bodied’ with joyful spirit.

Freedom From Your ‘Spells’

Most of our fear is made up of conditioned beliefs that we took on when we were very young.