Helping to End Wrongful Veteran Debts

Jerry Ashton, a co-founder of the highly respected Undue Medical Debt which recently celebrated its 10th anniversary after having abolished nearly $12B in medical debt for over seven million Americans, has a new charitable interest – our veterans. Not just any veteran, but those men and women who have been ensnared in millions of dollars in predatory[Listen Now]

Speaking Up for Veterans

Captain Art Cody discusses the case of Zane Floyd and the death penalty.

Shaylene Caffey – Veteran, Mom and G. I. S.

With a passion for maps, veteran and mother of three, Shaylene Caffey, talks about how dedication and hard work led to a BFA and a career.

Abused Veteran becomes an Expert Negotiator

A retired Master Sergeant, sexually abused in the Air Force, previously victim of abandonment and alcoholic parents, became a professional speaker, author and expert negotiator.