Can Women Get Promoted Without Asking? No!

Women earn 26% less than men in law firms and have a 1 in 5 chance of becoming a partner in the firm.

Self- Promote. . . Self- Promote. . . Self- Promote

Steps 1-3 toward learning how to accomplish your career goals.

Not All Coaches Are Created Equal

Selecting a coach that is a great fit is step one.

Looking at Rage in a Different Way

Being in business comes with its share of fear…but it can be conquered.

Women get a Bad Rap About Being Afraid of Risk

Risk is not a dirty word for business women… Risk is something you cannot avoid if you want to grow your business.

The Chicken or the Egg?

How advocacy for women’s economic issues is a game changer.

How to get a Bigger Bite of the Apple

5 tips to improve your ability to win more federal contracts.

Looking for A Needle in a Haystack?

3 most important Do’s and Don’ts about getting a business loan.

Chin Up The Workplace Is Changing

Men are beginning to notice women’s business skills.

Career Mothers Economic Tsunami?

Gen Y Women Alert: Work Out Child Raising Issues…Before marriage!