App Helps Slow the Spread of COVID-19

George Graziani talks about the amazing App,, and how it works.

Building Confidence through Performing Arts

Diana Hoffman talks about Music with Confidence, a non-profit dedicated to helping bullied and abused children build self-esteem.

Expand Your Business Today

Caterina Rando shares how people can use public speaking and workshops to expand their businesses.

Stay Positive and Move Forward

David Rippy shares how people can stay positive during stress and tragedy, including the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Female Coppersmith Leads in Cookware

Sara Dahmen shares how she became a coppersmith.

Visionary Capabilities for the World

Harvey Kraft discusses his research regarding visionaries and their roles.

Step into the Spotlight Today

Janette Burke shares what it takes to step into the spotlight and effectively spread your message.

Dating Made Easy During a Pandemic

Christine Baumgartner shares her insights to dating, especially during the COVID-10 pandemic.

Have You Had an “Out-of-Body” Experience?

Marilynn Hughes discusses in more depth “out-of-body” experiences.

End Stuttering and Revive Your Beautiful Speech

Anna Deeter talks about how people who stutter can finally be helped.