Liberating Yourself from Your Inner Critic

Each of us has an inner critic–a part of our mind that is embedded in ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and internal voices.

The Art of Living Mindfully

In this inspirational show, we will discuss practical tools and wisdom for living mindfully.

Practicing Faith Over Fear

Dr. Cynthia Bischoff will discuss principles for working through and understanding your fears and their origins

The Power of the Heart

In this show, Dr. Cynthia will discuss the history of concepts about the heart

Achieving a Healthy Work-Life Balance

How do we achieve a healthy balance between our personal and professional aspects of life?

Achieving a Healthy Work-Life Balance

How do we achieve a healthy balance between our personal and professional aspects of life?

Your Dreams Are Your Inner Guidance System!

Your dreams provide information about you, the dreamer…

The Impact of Your Parent Relationship on Your Life!

Your parents and their parenting style have had an important impact on your life.

Meditation for Personal Growth & Healing

Meditation is a process of focusing your attention and quieting your mind that holds powerful personal benefits…

The Healing Power of Reiki

On this exciting show, Dr. Cynthia will explain the Reiki method, its history, its benefits….