Sara Dahmen shares how she became a coppersmith.
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Female Coppersmith Leads in Cookware
June 2, 2020 by Pat Lynch, Editor-in-Chief
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: and Clay: A Smith’s Journey, author, book, cooking, Cooking Equipment, Cookware, Copper, Coppersmith, entrepreneur, House Copper & Cookware, internet radio, Iron, Kitchen, on-demand radio, online radio, pat lynch, podcast, radio for women, Sara Dahmen, small business, speak up, women in radio, women's radio network, Womens Radio, WomensRadio
Women Lead in Business
May 22, 2020 by Pat Lynch, Editor-in-Chief
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: Aimée Lyndon-Adams, business, entrepreneur, internet radio, on-demand radio, online radio, pat lynch, podcast, radio, radio for women, speak up, women in business, women in radio, women's radio network, Womens Radio, WomensRadio
Case Lane: Start a New Business During COVID-19?!?
April 28, 2020 by nanmckay
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: advice, books, business, Case Lane, COVID-19, entrepreneur, entrepreneur tips, how to, internet radio, new business, online radio, Recast Yourself, starting a business, WomensRadio
Dawn Simmons: A Woman of Color’s Journey from Wall Street to Politics
April 10, 2020 by nanmckay

Born in Harlem, Dawn has worked as an executive in Wallstreet, run for political office and has been a social activist for most of her life.
Filed Under: U.S. Tagged With: author, black history month, career, civil rights, culture, discrimination, empower, empowerment, entrepreneur, Freedom, Harlem, history, insight, inspirational, journey, leaders, life, mckay, podcast, political office, positive, prison reform, retire, stories, struggles, trailblazers, travel, Wall Street, women, Womens Radio
Molly McKay Wiliams: The Story of a LGBTQ Marriage Equality Advocate
April 9, 2020 by nanmckay

Listen to how she stayed true to the LGBTQ activist cause despite personal heart break with the twist of a surprising new beginning.
Filed Under: U.S. Tagged With: activist, career, civil rights, culture, discrimination, empower, entrepreneur, gay pride, history, insight, inspirational, journey, leaders, LGBT, LGBTQ, life, marriage equality, mckay, Molly McKay, Molly McKay Williams, Nan McKay, podcast, pride parade, retire, san francisco, stories, struggles, trailblazers, TrailBlazers Impact podcast, women
Leading New Entrepreneurial Generations
April 7, 2020 by Pat Lynch, Editor-in-Chief
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: business, ceo, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, girls, Girls’ C.E.O. Connection™, internet radio, online radio, pat lynch, podcast, radio, radio for women, speak up, Sylvia Scott, women, women owned business, women's radio network, Womens Radio, WomensRadio
Extraordinary Chapters with Lynn Griffith
November 27, 2019 by Susan Michel

Lynn Griffith, CEO of Welcome Events and President of Welcome Walks, has multiple successful businesses under her belt.
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: business, corporate events, Creative, entrepreneur, Glen Eagle, Lynn Griffith, middle way, Susan Michel, The Middle Way, travel, Walking Tours, WBE Star, WBENC, Welcome Events, welcome walks, women, women's wealth, Womens Radio
Market Your Book Like a Pro
November 8, 2019 by Pat Lynch, Editor-in-Chief
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: 2020, Ann Marie Sabath, author, book, CNBC, CNN, Condé Naste Traveler, entrepreneur, marketing, oprah, pat lynch, promotion, publisher, radio for women, speak up, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, What Self-Made Millionaires Do That Most People Don’t, Womens Radio, WomensRadio, writer
Turn Your Book into a Success!
November 1, 2019 by Pat Lynch, Editor-in-Chief

Ann Marie Sabath shares the answers to questions that authors should ask themselves in order to make their books a raving success.
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: 20/20 and Oprah, Ann Marie Sabath, author, book, CNBC, CNN, Condé Naste Traveler, entrepreneur, Inc, marketing, pat lynch, promotion, publisher, radio for women, speak up, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, What Self-Made Millionaires Do That Most People Don’t, Womens Radio, WomensRadio, writer
Empathy Driven Innovation with Hetal Parikh
October 30, 2019 by Susan Michel
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: empathy, empowerment, entrepreneur, family, Glen Eagle, Hetal Parikh, middle way, Rangam Consultants, special education, Susan Michel, The Middle Way, WBENC, wealth, women, women's wealth, WPO
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