How international liaison, Linda Cruse, founded ‘Be the Change’ to help disaster victims create new livelihoods and you can too.
Josh Masters – Breakthroughs and bicycling the Alps
How breaking through concepts of what he was physically capable of helped Josh get over the Alps and into Italy by bicycle.
Susan Birkenshaw – Expat trades Toronoto for Ecuador
Imagine living in Quenca, Equador for 9 months and Toronto for the rest of the year. Susan talks about how she makes it work.
Dharlene Marie Fahl – Exploring tea rituals world wide
How steeping oneself in the tradition of tea can lead to calm and re-connection with purpose, life and perhaps higher powers.
Allan Karl – Quest for Culture, Cuisine and Connection
Allan speaks about the three years, five continents and one motorcycle that led to recipes and adventures gathered into a cookbook, Forks.
Jocelyn Chapman – Finding solo travel bliss
Find independent travel bliss: Jocelyn talks about stretching a travel budget and the joys of being spontaneous when traveling alone.
Alexsandra Babic – Relocation through an immigrants eye
Romanian painter Alexsandra Babic reveals how displacement / relocation affects us all, from travelers to immigrants, in one way or another.
Brian Moran – Just say no to a working vacation!
Don’t let your vacation be taken hostage by work or job stress! Hear how to increase happiness and productivity by getting away.
Richard Akhtar – Running Fiji’s Matava Resort
Ever fantasize about running an island resort? Hear about Matava on Kadavu, diving the Astrolabe Reef and working with Fijian villagers.
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