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Maura Barclay shares how she helps high-performers with real challenges make real changes.

A Story for Change and Healing

Shawne Steiger discusses what inspires her writing, as well as her novel, “Games We Played.”

Start Resonating in the World

Ginny Whitelaw talks about her book, “Resonate,” and how it can help readers.

Earth Speaks Up!

Mary McNerney discusses how people have the capability to create positive change, for Earth and themselves.

Transform How You Master Change

Donna Johnson-Klonsky talks about her book, “Aspects of Change.”

Change is the Result of Resonance

Ginny Whitelaw talks about her book, “Resonate,” and how it can help readers.

Spreading Messages of Hope and Equality

Dr. Bertie Simmons shares her life events as described in her beautiful book, “Whispers of Hope.”

Embrace the Change Today!

Linda Breedlove shares how her book, “Embrace the Change, Be a Rebel on Purpose,” can help people.

Vitalize Your Workforce

Margot Murphy shares her passion for making organizations change-ready.

Change Your Life Course Now and Achieve Success

Dianne Bischoff James discusses her book, “The Real Brass Ring” and how it helps readers create long-term change in our modern age.