3×3 Meditation for Self Transformation with Dina Proctor

3×3 meditation (3 minutes, 3 times a day) that leads to transformation.

BookExpo America, Networking, & Author/Journalist Patti Davis

Steven Rosato, Event Director of Book Expo America talks about the BEA event and Author/Journalist Patti Davis discusses Self-Publishing

Book Video Trailers & Bestseller Vincent Zandri

David Title, a video producer and digital strategist with Bravo Stage and Media, and No. 1 International Best-Selling Author Vincent Zandri talks THE REMAINS and his new publisher, Amazon’s Thomas & Mercer.

Gen Y Leading Readers Revolution

How technology is changing the publishing industry

Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest & Teenage Novelist

Thom Kephart, the Community Outreach Manager for Amazon, will discuss the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest and 15 year old Sarah Renee is the author and illustrator of 3 books and counting.