From Athlete Major Breakdowns To Fitness Expert

Former elite athlete who had 2 major physical breakdowns and suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome, became a fitness expert and won the prestigious Australian Health and Fitness Industry Awards.

How Do We Escape a Future of Obesity?

Interview with world authority on obesity, Dr James Hill.

Steamy Fitness With Exercise Star John Basedow

Interview with infomercial star and Mr Steam spokesperson, John Basedow.

A Tobacco-Free Life for All!

Jennifer Thomas is a certified tobacco treatment specialist trained by a Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center.

Double Helix Water: Tennis Victory

Double Helix Water helps unblock your body’s energy meridians. A tennis pro describes how it ended his debilitating knee pain.

Double Helix Water: Fibromyalgia Relief

Double Helix Water helps unblock your body’s energy meridians. A fibromyalgia sufferer describes how it helped relieve her pain.

Tabata Training: Full Body Workout in 4 minutes

Tabata Training with Tamara Grand, Trainer, Instructor, and Online Fitness Leader.

Pregnancy: Prenatal and Postpartum Fitness

Diastasis recti (abdominal separation) and other pregnancy related conditions.

Weight Loss YouTube Wonder “AntiShay”

Interview with Shanti Marshalla, known as Antishay–one of the most influential weight-loss vloggers in the history of YouTube.

Heartburn or GERD, its symptoms, causes and treatments

Heartburn or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), its symptoms, causes and treatments.