Living Fearlessly

No Fear! Imagine how freeing it is to be without those thoughts that limit …

The LOVE Foundation

It may be easy to look around our world today and see the appearance of chaos, difficulty and strife …

Interview with Laura Mayer

Laura Mayer is a spiritual transformational counselor and occupational therapist ….

Dr. Glenn Mendoza – Md, Pranic Healer, and meditation specialist

Progressive News Weekly, “news & information for, by and of, the People the Nation the World”

Mindful Living and Crystal Spells

Mindful Living with Dr Butera,Erin Byron and Crystal Spells with Ember Grant

The Healing Power of Love

Bernie shares a couple of stories about two women, one who had an abusive childhood leaving her with emotional scars …

Owning Your Mastery

Living on Purpose is about creating balance, abundance, and joy.

Changing the Way We Think to Create the World We Want

Do we really have a dangerous climate change underway? Is it man-made or not?

Liberating Jesus with Roberta Grimes

Roberta Grimes a former guest of the show who returns to share her new mind altering book Liberating Jesus …

What if You Tried Something Fun, it Ended up being your Life’s Work?

As silly as it might sound to say that pole fitness and pole dance were a life changing, spiritual experience for Ashlee …