The Elderly

Kip and Evan discuss a topic that is near and dear to both their hearts (and they feel many would be wise to embrace as well): Our Elders…

How Dialoguing with Your Loved One in Spirit Dissolves Grief

Did you know that it is possible to speak with those in spirit? It’s true.

How to Create Conversations that Matter

Juanita developed her belief in the power of conversation and community to shape the future…

Sheryl Glick interviews Allen McNair

Allen will share his journey and family issues that led to his own health challenges …

Sheryl Glick interviews Jeff Stegman & Clayten Stedmann

Jeff Stegman and Clayten Stedmann who will describe Focused Life Force Energy…

Medical Intuition

There’s nothing like getting the help you need, when you need it.

Owners Michael McVay and David Brock of Allprovide Premium Pet Food

Michael McVay and David Brock, founders and owners of Allprovide premium pet food….

Author, Blogger and Pet Food Advocate, Susan Thixton

Dr. Judy Morgan’s first Live interview will be with author, blogger and pet food advocate, Susan Thixton.

The Astounding Healer of Compassionate Curiosity

Come listen as Mary shares stories and skills that will open your mind and heal your heart…

Jennifer Gehl: Planetary Signatures

Perhaps only two or three times a decade comes along real paradigm shift in the clinical sciences…