Nick Redfern is the author of more than 30 books on UFO’s cryptology and the world of the paranormal …
Sheryl Glick interviews Maggie La Tourelle
Maggie La Tourelle , author of The Gift of Alzheimer’s, and is a psychotherapist, holistic healer….
Rescue for Rescuers!
Dr. Johnson known in the animal care community for Rescuer Therapy…
The Benefits of Astrologically Based Harmonic Recordings
The Benefits of Astrologically Based Harmonic Recordings and Identifying Astrological Cycles…
How to Live Care-Free and Cared For
For peace to be known, we must hand all our thoughts and feelings over to the Light…
Life is a Journey and the Road isn’t Always Flat
This week we’ll talk about how life is a journey and the road isn’t always flat but that’s ok if we are open to the process…
Kelvin Chin Talks About Overcoming the Fear of Death
Kelvin Chin has been teaching people to overcome the fear of death for more than 30 years…
The Great Shamanic Initiation with Alberto Villoldo
Medical anthropologist Alberto Villoldo, PhD Joins Deborah to Share his Workshop at Omega Institute & One Spirit Medicine
Sheryl Glick interviews Shari Sharifi Brown
Shari Sharifi Brown is the author of The Seven Commandments for Happiness and Prosperity….
Sheryl Glick interviews Githa Ben-David
Githa shares an intriguing idea that The Note From Heaven is actually a state where the voice sings you…
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