Grow Your Business with TLC

Martha de la Torre talks about The Latino Coalition and how she is serving the Latino community.

Connect, Explore and Inspire with the PBWC

Congresswoman Jackie Speier talks about PBWC’s upcoming 22nd Annual Conference.

“Your Book Is Your Hook!” Show – The Lit Coach & Bestselling Memoir Author

The Lit Coach, Erin Reel, & best-selling memoir author Janna Cawrse Esarey.

Self- Promote. . . STEP 4 The Pitch

When and How do you make your “pitch”?

“Business Lessons to be Learned through International Travel”

Join Aldonna to learn the lessons learned in international travel.

Radio Is Not Dead–It’s Powerful!

Andrew David talks about his experience in radio and success at Lincoln University.

Unite-To-Light and Fight Extreme Poverty

A system to bring affordable light to 1.5 billion.

Self- Promote. . . STEP 3 Know What You Want

Before you approach your “target” know exactly what you want.

Self- Promote. . .STEP 2 Identify Your Target

Who are you asking for a raise, promotion, or other issues?

Still Struggling with Product Development and Pricing During this Lingering Recession?

Join Aldonna Ambler and Lisa Weber as they discuss promotion of new products & services to existing customers and/or markets.