Change Your Life Course Now and Achieve Success

Dianne Bischoff James discusses her book, “The Real Brass Ring” and how it helps readers create long-term change in our modern age.

Finding a Successful Balance in Career and Family with Ande Frazier

Tune in to Women’s Wealth: The Middle Way® to hear Ande Frazier share her advice on finding a successful work-life balance!

From Law to Love to LLC with Rita Goodroe

Rita Goodroe joins us on Women’s Wealth: The Middle Way®! She talks about following her dreams, women in business, and more!

The Importance of Dialogue with Teens with Lauren Galley

Lauren Galley, founder and CEO of Girls Above Society, joins Susan Michel on this podcast.

Discover the Roadmap to Achieve What You Want

Soulaima Gourani talks about and its mission.

Everybody Has A Book Inside Of Them

Ann Marie Sabath discusses how to bring out the book in you.

Create Your Breakthrough Business-Building Mojo

Jane Deuber discusses how to create a bottom line breakthrough in business.

Intern Advice with the 2019 Glen Eagle Interns

Glen Eagle’s 2019 interns join us and share details about their internship experience so far and about what they’ve learned along the way.

Let’s Help Women Soar to the Top!

René Banglesdorf shares what she believes should happen to continue to guarantee women equality in a variety of industries.

Growing Your Business from Home with Caryn Kopp

Caryn discusses building her firm starting with only 15 hours a week as part of a strict rule to only work while her kids were in school.