Lorayne Ham

Embracing life with passion.

Girl Talk with Haley Kilpatrick

Desire to inspire.

Donna DeNomme

A role model for using life experiences and challenges to move into an extraordinary life.

Vajra Ma, Foremother and Wayshower

Natural spiritual authority of women to restore sanity and peace to the world.

Meggan Watterson, REVEAL

Empowering and advancing the next generation of Feminine Spirituality.

Conversations with the Goddess

Answers to major questions for women.

Our Young Women Lead Us to Our Hidden Pain

And beyond the pain is the power.

Faces of the Universe

The messages all around us.

Creating Your Own Life

Barbara Joyce, the Shift Guru, was given a Creating Formula by the Angelic Realm.

Eliminate Violence Against Women

San Francisco event makes a stand.