Mother of abducted and murdered daughter begins Laura Recovery Center to help other families with missing children.
Speakers Need Strategist
Norma Hollis, head of two speakers’ bureaus, says speakers need more help navigating the speaking industry to get to the top of their game faster.
WR Partnering with the 24th Annual Entrepreneurial Woman’s Conference in Chicago
Hedy M. Ratner expects some 2500 entrepreneurial women from across the country to network and make contracts.
New African-American Women’s Summit in CA!
Sherrie Burrell, Founder of Women of Excellence and Burrell Consulting, has launched the African-American Women’s Summit in California.
National Radio Leadership Demonstrates New Model of Cooperation
Jeff Haley and the Radio Advertising Bureau combine with NAB to present the “2010 Radio Show” Conference.
New LEAP ED Helps States End the War on Drugs
Neill Franklin, 33-year law-enforcement leader, now leads Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP).
Why Get Women into Public Office?
Marie C. Wilson, Founder and Director of the White House Project, works tirelessly to get women into the political pipeline.
“Goin’ Mobile” Survey Unveiled at Radio Show!
Mobile looks to be both the “killer app” as well as the “broadcast-de jeur” at this year’s Radio Show according to Fred Jacobs.
Overcoming Shame and Unleashing Emotional Power
Lois Hollis RN,BSN counselor, teacher, and author of “The Universe Speaks” shares her unique approach to emotional healing.
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