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Kent Watkins follows up to discuss the global impact of the coronavirus. The Academy is involved through HUD with the international relations on COVID-19. He talks about black swans the uncertainties. High level and nimble leadership is necessary after the playbook is designed. He discusses how it could affect multinational trade vs. national self-sufficiency, asking how much can we depend on each other. He cites a poem that relates to the coronavirus today.
We can plan but something else comes that we aren’t prepared for (the black swan). We will never have everything solved. He talks about Johari’s Window and its relationship to the future. He relates it to international issues such as climate change. He was involved in Paris with the climate agreement and sustainable goals. As Greenland gets greener, it become a geopolitical problem. We are continuing to examine how this changes what we do.
In past pandemics, we have had wars or societies which disappeared. On the world scene, some of the questions should be posed. He talks about how the pandemic has affected cities from a racial perspective and disparity of income. Information is needed to find out in subsidized housing who has been affected by the coronavirus.
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