Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within interviews Tricia Nelson author of Heal Your Hunger which offers seven steps to understand and end emotional eating. Our physical challenges most especially lead us to a greater unfolding of our spiritual talents and gifts and offer ways to master our physical and energetic emotional needs. Tricia Nelson who lost fifty pounds by identifying and healing the root causes of her emotional eating and has spent over thirty years researching the hidden causes of the addictive personality learning that food addiction is one of the toughest addictions and is symptomatic of deeper issues. In twenty five years of helping Americans upgrade their diets she has seen how many misconceptions there are and how overweight individuals harm their physical and emotional state of being often causing pain loneliness and self-sabotaging views that limit their perception and potential to thrive.
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick can be heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network.
“Healing From Within” is a radio series designed to encourage self-investigation, soul awareness, and self-mastery of emotions, thought processes of the mind, and how they inform the physical body for greater health. Sheryl Glick, Reiki Master Teacher, Energy Practitioner and Medium, with authors and leaders in the fields of science, medicine, psychology, spirituality, metaphysics, alternative healing modalities, spiritual communication and the arts share their vision and perspectives for a multi-dimensional view of transformation and evolution. Each show offers ways for listeners to align their inner essence with their daily physical life for the purpose of promoting positive experiences. Such results affirm the individual and are reflected as well in healthier group interactions.
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