Olympia Le Point author of Answers Unleashed


Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within interviews Olympia Le Point author of Answers Unleashed which offers an understanding of the workings of the human brain and its powerful thoughts that influence the life we create. Olympia shows us ways we can learn to reprogram thoughts for successful living in alignment with our true soul nature. Olympia is an award winning rocket scientist who overcame daunting life challenges from an early age to help launch 28 NASA Space Shuttle missions into space using chaos theory and later used this scientific approach she used to map space vehicles help people identify how they can remap their brain’s interior to achieve success by mastering their thoughts and intuition ultimately helping those with brain injuries, rewire, restore, and restructure brain patterns for healing. Our thoughts create much of our reality, and therefore, what we think we create, so we can create a much better life by thoughts that are loving, kind and empowering. https://www.olympialepoint.com/

Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick can be heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network.

“Healing From Within” is a radio series designed to encourage self-investigation, soul awareness, and self-mastery of emotions, thought processes of the mind, and how they inform the physical body for greater health. Sheryl Glick, Reiki Master Teacher, Energy Practitioner and Medium, with authors and leaders in the fields of science, medicine, psychology, spirituality, metaphysics, alternative healing modalities, spiritual communication and the arts share their vision and perspectives for a multi-dimensional view of transformation and evolution. Each show offers ways for listeners to align their inner essence with their daily physical life for the purpose of promoting positive experiences. Such results affirm the individual and are reflected as well in healthier group interactions.

About Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network

Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is a conscious caring company, which regards ethics and honesty vital to conducting successful business. Our intention is in serving our listeners, radio hosts and advertisers so they may experience the pleasure and satisfaction of success and the good that is inherent in the universe.

The vision of Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is to continue the expansion of our syndicated global network while offering inspiring messages, healing modalities and life transforming tools. As we journey forward we hold the space for all to experience the wonder of Life and the magnificence within us all.

Learn more at Dreamvisions7Radio.com