Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within interviews Nick Seneca Jankel a former guest of the show to share now his newest book Spiritual Atheist which gives us access to the benefits of both modern medicine as well as timeless wisdom about human happiness. An understanding of this multidimensional form of healing can lead to lasting changes in addiction, depression, anxiety, and chronic pain. For our listeners to hear Nick Jankel award winning thought leader and professional speaker who hosted his own BBC TV show and has taught on the MBA programs at Oxford, UCLA and Yale discuss an advanced brain based transformational methodology, The Switch On Way
Healing From Within with Sheryl Glick can be heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network.
“Healing From Within” is a radio series designed to encourage self-investigation, soul awareness, and self-mastery of emotions, thought processes of the mind, and how they inform the physical body for greater health. Sheryl Glick, Reiki Master Teacher, Energy Practitioner and Medium, with authors and leaders in the fields of science, medicine, psychology, spirituality, metaphysics, alternative healing modalities, spiritual communication and the arts share their vision and perspectives for a multi-dimensional view of transformation and evolution. Each show offers ways for listeners to align their inner essence with their daily physical life for the purpose of promoting positive experiences. Such results affirm the individual and are reflected as well in healthier group interactions.
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