Spiritual Sight and Rose Reading
- Information on the topic, including what it is, why we have it and how to tune in and tune up to this natural spiritual ability
- Demonstration by doing a short rose reading for guest Caroline
- Answering questions of Caroline and/or email questions that I have received from other clients.
Virginia offers clairvoyant readings and energetic healing work. She specializes in RoseReadings, using the symbol of a rose to provide information and insight, from the spiritual perspective, about your present- time growth periods. As well, all readings include Past Life readings which provide valuable information to apply to present life experiences. Her readings are focused on validating spirit, providing extensive and valuable information about present, past time and past life experiences and support for accessing each person’s natural healing abilities.
Living in Quantum Love with Devrah Laval -Virginia can be heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network.
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