Are You Ready to Stretch Toward Your Best Self?


with World Renowned Author Lauren Walker

Experience the simple, elegant, and powerful tools of Energy Medicine Yoga in this workshop with its creator, Lauren Walker at  Omega Institute May 11-13th 
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 is Omega Institute’s Media Partner…when registering state code DREAM 20% off on this workshop call 877.944.2002 Learn more Here

According to author Lauren Walker, if we want to reach the goal of ultimate union with ourselves, and with the divine, we need to master more than just the physical body. In EMYoga you’ll learn asana practices (physical postures) that incorporate poses and moves to access your underlying energy. Some of the poses look similar to yoga poses you may already be familiar with. Others will be complete departures from standard yoga and are used to influence specific flows of energy. You’ll use the electromagnetic energy of your own body, often with your hands, to affect the energy in your body – sort of like those old games where you pull a magnet around to draw features on a face with iron shillings.

Energy Medicine Yoga is a tantra-based practice. The Sanskrit word tantra means “to weave and to stretch towards.” More broadly it also refers to systematic techniques for achieving a particular outcome. The yoga part of EMYoga is grounded in a practice with emphasis on various techniques to help you accept your innate perfection and from there transform into, or stretch toward, becoming your best self.When I first started studying tantra yoga, I was amazed at all the things involved that seemed to have nothing to do with my idea of “yoga”—things like Vedic astrology, gemology, and aromatherapy, as well as things like gratitude, journaling, and rituals. But as I’ve come to understand the deeper meaning and power of yoga, it all makes perfect sense.

The power and comprehensive practices of EMYoga incorporate pranayama (breathing practices), meditation, visualization, journaling, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping, nutrition, diet, body image, and belief systems. The beauty of energy work is that it translates into every facet of your life—from what, how, and when you eat to how you think and how you feel about your body, mind, and life. It only starts on the mat. EMYoga touches every area of your life because energy touches every area of your life. The result of this practice is a deep love, appreciation, and acceptance of yourself just as you are now. This is one of the most powerful takeaways: self-love. From that place, all healing, transformation, contentment, and peace are possible. Being in flow with life, having gratitude for your very existence and experiences, joy at your abilities, compassion for others—these are the gifts life has to offer and the fruits of your EMYoga practice.

​Bio: Lauren Walker is the author of Energy Medicine Yoga: Amplify the Healing Power of Your Yoga Practice (Sounds True, 2014) and The Energy Medicine Yoga Prescription (Sounds True, 2017). She’s been teaching yoga and meditation since 1997 and created Energy Medicine Yoga while teaching at Norwich University. She teaches EMYoga across the US and internationally and has been featured in Yoga Journal, Mantra +, Yoga Digest, and The New York Times. She was recently named one of the top 100 most influential yoga teachers in the US.

Love Never Dies with Dr Jamie Turndorf can be heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network.

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