Young Adults aren’t the only ones that experience depression and thoughts of suicide. Mothers (and Fathers) can experience them too. Postpartum depression is common after childbirth and can last for years. There is situational depression, depression brought on my medications, or chemical imbalances in the brain and so forth. As Mothers, we may seem less likely to commit suicide because of the responsibility and love we have for our children, but depression can feel debilitating and one can find it very difficult to find any love in their heart while struggling through depression. What can be done? Is medication the answer? Are there alternatives?
In hopes of supporting and empowering mothers everywhere who may be experiencing this, Host Monica Iglesias and special guest Misty Davis, join to discuss and shed light on this sensitive topic from a soul-based perspective and share ways to make it through to the other side of depression. Learn how to move through it, call on the powers of Heaven and your Higher Self, and feed your brain what it needs to function at optimal levels and return to a space of peace, love, joy, and connection. Understanding depression from a higher perspective will further assist you with accepting and loving yourself, supporting your family, empowering your children, and being your highest contribution to the world.
Guest Bio: Misty Davis grew up moving around a lot and even lived in a homeless Shelter. She didn’t have an easy childhood but appreciates everything she has learned that has made her who she is today. “There is no shame in anything that I have been through,” she says. She married young at 15 and had her first child at 16. Among the many jobs she’s had, her favorite is being a mother, although it has challenges of it’s own. She got remarried later in life to a wonderful man and has a blended family with “his, hers, and ours” children, all of which she feels are her own. She’s working to become a health coach, a mentor and is writing a book about depression and how to overcome it in holistic ways. Because of her own experience with depression and suicide, she feels passionate about helping others through this difficult time in their lives. She feels that if she can even help one person, she would be extremely grateful and fulfilled.
Angel Moms in Training with Monica Iglesias can be heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network.
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