The Stress of Social Inequality


Dr. Mary Wingo is here to further talk about the social issues of our time that have the biggest impact on our health: the uncontrolled stress of modern life and its devastating effects on our bodies and our communities.

Human stress costs our communities trillions of dollars every year. In addition, millions of people die prematurely, or suffer disability needlessly because of preventable exposure to stress.She also wants to tell you about the 20 years it took her to “really” understand human stress, and how she was initially reluctant to write her book covering the social, political, and economic implications of stress in the modern world.

Her book, The Impact of the Human Stress Response, is a humanitarian work intended to educate the public worldwide about the true causes and costs of preventable human stress. The study of stress and adaptation is probably the most complicated and fascinating field in science. After more than a hundred years of study, most scientists are still mystified by the mechanisms of human adaptation, so this book is of great importance to the general public and will transform many, many lives.

Mary Wingo has been a permanent resident in Ecuador for 2 years. She trained as a Ph.D. scientist and is a business person originally from the United States.

Today she is coming back on the show to talk specifically about two of the five major causes of stress in the modernized world (the loss of social capital and social equality). The five stressors are:

  1. The loss of working mental capacity
  2. The loss of social capital
  3. The loss of social equality
  4. The depletion of the microbiome
  5. Chemical stress

I can’t thank her enough for coming back on the show and sharing her knowledge and expertise. This is a wonderful conversation that I am glad that we were able to have to bring awareness to the stress of social inequality.


And remember Be Kind to Others, Take Care of Yourself, and Make Good Choices

Beyond the Health Basics Academy can be heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network.


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