Most of us hold on tightly, trying to make our lives be the way we think they should be, resisting what we don’t want because we are caught up in the illusion of control. One of the most powerful gifts you can give yourself is to take a few moments each day to let go and relax into Life. Physically relaxing your body will actually help you to quiet the busy storyteller in your head so you can be more fully present to what you are experiencing. Listen as Mary guides you on how to sprinkle moments of relaxing – physically and emotionally – throughout your day. There is something wonderful that happens when you relax and soften out of the world of control enough to see that Life is taking care of you every step of the way.
What’s In Your Way IS The Way! Can be heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network.
Most of us live in a world of struggle. Our day is filled with little struggles, big struggles, devastating ones and even silly ones. Imagine for a moment discovering how to move beyond struggle into the joy of showing up for the great adventure of Life. It really is possible to live from a place of openness and ease, even while experiencing deep challenges or tending to everyday tasks and obligations. What’s In Your Way IS the Way explores a revolutionary approach for healing everything that causes you to struggle with Life rather than fully experiencing it. Your host, Mary O’Malley, invites you to open to the radical notion that in your life, whatever you perceive to be in your way IS the way. In other words, your challenges are tailor-made to help you see your particular brand of struggle so you can unhook from it, allowing you to experience the joy of being fully alive, no matter what is happening in your life.
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