Susanne Wilson is a gifted spiritual medium who has extensive experience in helping people to contact and work with their spirit guides. She and Roberta talk about spirit guides and angels and the important role that they play in all our lives.
Seek Reality can be heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network.
Using nearly 200 years of abundant and consistent afterlife evidence, quantum physics, consciousness research, and ancient writings, we seek to understand who and what we are, how reality works, the nature of God, and the meaning and purpose of our lives. The truth is accessible to us now, and it is beyond-belief wonderful! Join us each week as we work together to better understand our one reality and gain insights into how we can make the most of the glorious eternal beings that we are.
Roberta Grimes is a business attorney who had two experiences of light in childhood. She then spent decades studying nearly 200 years of abundant and consistent communications from the dead, quantum mechanics, and the nature of consciousness to learn in detail what happens at and after death. She shares her discoveries inThe Fun of Dying – Find Out What Really Happens Next (Greater Reality, 2010, 2014). Her sequel, The Fun of Staying in Touch (Greater Reality, 2014), details the many ways in which the dead give us signs of their survival and the exciting new ways that we can contact them. Liberating Jesus is just out this fall. It details her most amazing discovery of all, which is the fact that the afterlife evidence validates in astonishing detail the two-thousand-year-old teachings of Jesus.
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