theASKBONBON Show w/ Dr Robert Gonzalez

This week on theASKBONBON Show, you will meet another top thought leader. Listen for yourself, and please comment and let us know who you would like to see interviewed next.

About theASKBONBONShow


theASKBONBON Show is a television show, based of of New York. It has been adapted for radio, here on

We feel our tag line says it best, real conversations about what matters most. We bring you the people and the tools to create a life you love.

We featured thought leaders on all topics, in an interview style format, so that you get to know the person, the mission and the motivation. We have just recently completed our 170th interview and are not planning on slowing down, until we have reached all of the interesting people in the world.

We have created our show to be multi-platform, meaning that we air on television, radio, online, social and press outlets, reaching millions.

If you are interesting, we want to talk to you about being on the show.

You can find out more on our web site at: theASKBONBON Show

This truly is my passion, as a 20-year veteran in the personal development industry, having worked with such amazing leaders as Tony Robbins, Harvey Makay and many others. Our goal is to inspire every single listener that they can create the life that they want, no matter what challenges they may have faced.

We also have an online University, called: CREATE-U where we have incredible content/training and information.

We hope you enjoy the show and thank you for listening!