Solar Plexus Wisdom

Rita Strough and Michael GrossPersonal power is inherent in every living thing.  By understanding our personal power energy center, the solar plexus, we can achieve greater degrees of freedom.  Freedom from anxiety, freedom from pain, freedom from limited thinking is all available to us should we choose to accept it.

In the solar plexus we find all connections leading into an internal universe.  The solar plexus is like the Sun of your solar system.  Each time the sun is eclipsed, it is a time of a loss of power or a feeling of ineptitude, but when it is shining strong, LOOK OUT!  You are a force to be reckoned with! This week, Rita will speak of this energy center and channel the messages it has for us.  We understand that some of you are just learning about the chakra system while others are old pros, so take a tip from the Angels and sit back, relax and enjoy the show.  Take what you need and leave the rest.  Eat the meat and leave the bones.  Our words to you are meant to resonate at whatever levels you need.

Talk N Angels can be heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network.


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Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is a conscious caring company, which regards ethics and honesty vital to conducting successful business. Our intention is in serving our listeners, radio hosts and advertisers so they may experience the pleasure and satisfaction of success and the good that is inherent in the universe.

The vision of Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is to continue the expansion of our syndicated global network while offering inspiring messages, healing modalities and life transforming tools. As we journey forward we hold the space for all to experience the wonder of Life and the magnificence within us all.

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